Grand Teton National Park
Before Rick Schuessler arrived, I was very, very concerned we would be able to take any decent photos of the landscape variety. Bad haze conditions due to the many western wildfires has prevented much of a view of the mountains for the last 1-1/2 months.

We had a nice rain the day before Rick arrived and the sky's cleared up pretty well. So today we decided to go over to Grand Teton National Park and give it a go.

We started at the Gros Ventre overlook in the hopes of seeing some moose. No moose but we met a nice couple from South Dakota whom we talked into visiting Schwabacher Landing. We next went to the Moulton Barn. We then went to Schwabacher Landing and ran into the couple from South Dakota.

We were invited to attend a neighborhood party at 5:00 PM so we decided to head back via the Moose-Wilson Road. We first stopped at Dornan's to get a cold beverage for the drive back over the pass. When leaving the store, who do I run into but my friends the Eastman's from U. City. This is the second time Michael Eastman and I unexpectedly ran into each other out west.