Tom Mangelsen signing books
Tom and Rick
Mari Castello, Steve Odenwald & Rick
Kathy Odenwald, Mari Castello, Steve Odenwald & Rick
Steve Odenwald, Rick, Mari Castello & Unknown
Rick & Mari Castello
Tom Mangelsen is one of the most renowned wildlife photographers in the world. He has spent over 40 years capturing the beauty and drama of nature in his stunning images. His work has been featured in National Geographic, Time, Life, and many other publications. He has also received numerous awards and honors, including being named one of the 100 Most Important People in Photography by American Photo magazine.

In this blog post, I want to share with you some of the secrets behind Tom Mangelsen's success and how you can apply them to your own photography. Here are three lessons that I learned from studying his work:

1. Be patient and persistent. Tom Mangelsen is known for his ability to wait for hours, days, or even weeks for the perfect shot. He often returns to the same location multiple times until he gets the image he wants. He does not settle for mediocre shots or rely on luck. He plans ahead, studies his subjects, and anticipates their behavior. He also uses camouflage and hides to blend in with the environment and avoid disturbing the animals.

2. Use natural light and composition. Tom Mangelsen does not use artificial lighting or flash in his wildlife photography. He prefers to use the natural light of the sun, moon, or stars to create mood and atmosphere. He also pays attention to the composition of his images, using elements such as lines, shapes, colors, and textures to create balance and harmony. He follows the rule of thirds, but also knows when to break it for creative effect.

3. Tell a story and evoke emotion. Tom Mangelsen does not just take pictures of animals; he tells stories about them. He captures their personalities, expressions, and emotions in his images. He also shows their interactions with each other and their environment. He makes us feel connected to them and care about their fate. He inspires us to appreciate and protect the natural world.

These are some of the lessons that I learned from Tom Mangelsen's wildlife photography. I hope they will help you improve your own skills and inspire you to pursue your passion. If you want to see more of his amazing work, you can visit his website at or follow him on Instagram at @thomasdmangelsen.